Metatarsalgia prevention

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Believe me, you do not want to suffer from metatarsalgia foot pain like my friend Al or thousands of other people that suffer from this painful condition. It is easy to take your feet for granted and not think about it until it DEMANDS your attention. We all know that our brain is far removed from our feet physically, but there is no need to abuse them everyday as some people do.

Well, how can you follow a prevention regimen for metatarsalgia. First of all, wear shoes that provide proper arch support and have well designed insoles that provide ample cushioning. Avoid putting undue stresses on the balls of the feet by pounding them on hard surfaces for extended periods of time. Avoid wearing high heel shoes as these tend to shift the body weight to the heads of the metatarsal bones rather than allow for the area of the whole feet to take up and distribute the body weight.

You can make progress in preventing metatarsalgia pain conditions by trying to keep your body weight to as close as possible to what is recommended by your physicians and health care professionals. Massage your feet every so often with your hands using mild oils such as pure sesame oil and then wash. Try to minimize walking on very hard surfaces like concrete floors on bare feet, especially if you have a high arch.

As in many other diseases, prevention is always better than cure, as the age old saying goes, and preventing metatarsalgia is no different.

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